About Us

Supporting your dreams. Growing businesses

Berachah Microfinance Bank was incorporated as a private Limited Liability Company in May 2007 and granted a microfinance banking license by the Central Bank of Nigeria. Our objective is to provide Micro Finance Banking services at the grass root level of the economy for the benefit of the low-income earners, Small and Medium Scale Enterprises.

We are positioned to professionally deliver tailor-made financial products and services, to the large segment of the economically viable low-income earners in our society. We acknowledge the need to improve the standard of living of the workforce.

We are positioned to touch lives and put smiles on the faces of people. Berachah Microfinance Bank Ltd. will provide you with diversified and dependable financial products and services to meet your needs.


To Provide top-notch financial services in Nigeria.


God has given us the power to get wealth but we empower our customers to create and make wealth.